Omega-3 fatty acids have many benefits for cardiovascular health, but also for the brain, hormonal and inflammatory systems. In order to obtain the expected effects, it is recommended to eat fatty fish at least twice per week and to regularly consume vegetable foods rich in omega-3 from vegetable sources. Here you will find healthy, easy and delicious omega-3 recipes, selected for you from the food and nutrition experts of SOSCuisine.
Fatty fish are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. Among them mackerel has the advantage of being readily available almost all year round, it is abundant and inexpensive. It also contains good amounts of vitamin B and vitamin D as well as several minerals. Its taste when fresh is very pronounced and you may not like it at the beginning. Canned mackerel is a good alternative to fresh, with a flavor similar to canned tuna.
Sardines are also an excellent source of omega-3. Fresh sardines hold a place of pride in Portuguese cooking, where they are often grilled on a barbecue. Tinned sardines are easily available and inexpensive. They can be added to mixed vegetable salads, like in this recipe.
If you do not eat fatty fish, you should eat omega-3 eggs, which are laid by hens whose feed is enriched with flaxseeds. In fact, flaxseeds are an excellent source of plant-type omega-3s (ALA). Enriched eggs contain ten times the omega-3 content of regular eggs.
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