According to a recent study commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than one million tons of food, or a third of the world production are lost or thrown away each year… FAO experts say that industrialized countries and developing countries waste more or less the same amounts of food, but for different reasons.
Consumers in industrialized countries alone account for 40% of the losses. In North America and Europe, each consumer wastes between 95 to 115 kg per year, simply because he has not properly planned his purchases or because he has not wiped his plate clean. Think about it: for a family of 4, this corresponds to almost half a ton of food that finds its way into the trash can each year!
What is the solution to this waste? We should relearn to purchase food based on our requirements, redo our grocery list accordingly, use the deep-freezer better, recycle leftovers… The SOSCuisine service is there to help you and help the planet. Tell your friends about us so that we can all cut down on waste together.
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