The solution for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
With our Low-FODMAP Meal Plans, you stack the odds in your favour. To take maximum advantage of our meal plans, take the time to read the information below.
To find out the FODMAP content of foods, the only reliable source is the application from MONASH University. Simple and practical, it uses a system of tricolor lights: Red means High in FODMAPs, Yellow indicates a Medium amount of FODMAPs and Green signifies being Low in FODMAPs.
Unless otherwise stated, the application contains the consummation quantities for raw foods before they are cooked.
Green portions represent the amount of food that can be consumed during a meal. It is therefore possible to eat a green portion of the same food several times a day, if you leave a few hours between each meal.
YES, For the majority of people with IBS who follow a Low FODMAP diet, it is quite possible to eat several green servings of foods in the same meal. That being said, there are of course limits; this is why it is recommended to eat several small meals / snacks per day rather than just one or two large meals, and to avoid eating portions larger than your needs.
If you eat out, choose a variety of different foods in the meal instead of eating a large amount of foods containing the same FODMAP families.
If you follow SOSCuisine's Low FODMAP meal plans, you never have to worry, as we do the math for you to ensure that every meal, even with multiple recipes, is Low FODMAP.
It is not always easy to know the exact FODMAP content of foods, as in some cases it may depend on the transformation (ex: dry legumes vs. canned legumes) or which part it is of the food (ex: green and white parts of green onions)
NO, because chicken is very often seasoned with garlic and onions. Even when removing the skin, this is not recommended, as FODMAPs are water-soluble carbohydrates that can be transferred during cooking to the flesh of the chicken as it contains water.
Here are your noodle options with the permitted quantities:
Rice sticks: 1 cup (113 g) cooked, or about 33 g before cooking
Soba noodles (made from wheat and buckwheat): 1/3 cup (90 g) cooked, or about 35 g before cooking
Konjac noodles: 125 g (cooked or raw as they have the same weight!)
Kelp noodles (algae): 1 cup (113 g) cooked.
Many gluten-free breads are low in FODMAPs, but it’s very important to check the ingredient list first! The following should be avoided: honey, inulin, dried fruit, chicory root, molasses, fructose, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), agave, glucose-fructose, apple and fruit sugar. Amaranth, coconut, legumes, chestnut and cassava flours should also be avoided as they are high in FODMAPs. For more info on how to choose bread, read this article
Few fruit juices have been tested by the Monash University. However, it seems logical to think that the juices of fruits and vegetables which are high in FODMAPs should be banned. This means avoiding juices containing apples, pineapples, beetroots, celery… Also beware of other ingredients that may end up in these juices. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from making a good fresh orange juice at home. Why not mix it together with carrot juice and ginger. A glass of cranberry juice (200ml) is also a good option. Few fruit juices have been tested by the Monash University. However, it seems logical to think that the juices of fruits and vegetables which are high in FODMAPs should be banned. This means avoiding juices containing apples, pineapples, beetroots, celery… Also beware of other ingredients that may end up in these juices. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from making a good fresh orange juice at home. Why not mix it together with carrot juice and ginger. A glass of cranberry juice (200ml) is also a good option.
You can replace your all-purpose flour with gluten-free all-purpose flour mixtures (you’ll need to avoid wheat, barley and rye flours because they are high in fructans). Be sure to examine all of the ingredients to make sure they are FODMAP-free. Watch out for flour made from legumes and the addition of inulin
There are several kinds of tofu. On the one hand, the so-called « regular » tofu, whose textures vary from extra-firm, firm, medium and soft, is low in FODMAPs, up to a 170 g per serving. On the other hand, silken tofu, which is mainly used in desserts, with a smooth texture that easily dissolves, is high in FODMAPs (fructans and GOS). It is not surprising that it has a high FODMAP content because it contains a lot of water (and FODMAPs are water soluble).
It is necessary to differentiate between beverages made from soy beans, high in FODMAPs, and those made from soy protein, low in FODMAPs. The vast majority of soy beverages and all organic beverages are made from soybeans and therefore need to be avoided. To know more about the FODMAP content of soy products please read this article
Notwithstanding its health benefits , kombucha is high in fructans for a 250 ml serving. On the other hand, a 180 ml serving is considered low. So, if you want to drink it, prioritize the smaller quantities and pay attention to the list of ingredients and anything that is being added to it.
The answer to this question is complex. We invite you to read the article Spices, Flavours and a Low-FODMAP Diet
These products are often made from textured soy protein (TVP) which is high in fructans and GOS. In addition, these fake meats often contain garlic and onions. Therefore, they need to be avoided. To know more about TVP, please read here
Monash did not test pea protein or pea protein isolates specifically, but did test some products that contain them and categorised them as being low in FODMAPs in certain portions. This means that a certain amount of pea protein is low in FODMAPs, but it is not known which amount. For this reason, it is best to avoid consuming it.
It can be difficult to combine the restrictions of a low-FODMAP diet with those of a vegan, vegetarian or ketogenic diet.
The Low FODMAP meal plan is a good choice for people who suffer from both IBS and GERD. Some additional dietary recommendations may be applicable for people with GERD, depending on their tolerance.Read this article for dietary advice on GERD. Note that you do not need to avoid foods that are potentially irritating for GERD unless they are causing you symptoms.
Of course! Adopting a vegan/vegetarian diet that is low in FODMAPs can be difficult because most staple foods in vegan and vegetarian diets are high in FODMAPs. However, with proper planning it is quite possible, especially if you follow the SOSCuisine specialised meal plans . In order to make sure you meet all of your nutritional needs we recommend that you consult with a dietitian You will find useful tips in this article
The ketogenic diet is very low in carbohydrates. Grain products, legumes and the majority of fruits and vegetables are therefore excluded. As a result, the total load of fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs) consumed is reduced. However, some foods which are very high in FODMAPs continue to be consumed such as cauliflower, avocado, garlic, onion and dairy products. Thus, the variety available with a ketogenic diet that is also low in FODMAPs is very limited which means there is a very high risk of nutritional deficiencies. To learn more about ketogenic diet for IBS read here
A low-FODMAP diet excludes several foods, so it is normal to question the potential impact of nutritional deficiencies. During the FODMAPs elimination phase, which is only followed for a short period of time (3 to 6 weeks), you’ll need to make sure to eat as varied as possible. If you follow our meal plans , you’ll have to need to be concerned about nutritional deficiencies. Once you’ve finished reintroducing different food families and observing the effects of those that don’t suit you, you’ll then need to find alternatives to these foods to help you maintain your nutrient requirements. If you want to make sure your diet is balanced, one of our dietitians will be happy to help you.
Unless otherwise specified, the quantities in our recipes are written as ingredients in the state at which you buy them. For example, when we write that a banana weighs 150 g, we take into account the weight of the skin because you’ll be buying the banana with its skin. Once the skin is removed, the edible part weighs 100 g, which is the green portion specified in the Monash app. In the same way, we specify the weight of the pasta before cooking. Don’t worry, everything is calculated so that the quantities of FODMAPs in the cooked meal corresponds to those recommended in the Monash application.
Our Garlic-Infused Oil recipe will keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. To store it longer, you can put the oil in ice cube trays and freeze it.
When a low-FODMAP diet has significantly reduced or even eliminated your symptoms, you’ll be ready to re-introduce FODMAP families for testing. You’ll find more about reintroducing FODMAPs, in this article
Eat the test food at the time of the day that suits you best, in order to monitor and manage your symptoms. This may be during your meals or in between your meals (N.B. all meals must be low FODMAP during the reintroduction). Make sure to wait 24 h in between tests of the same family. Ideally, always eat the test food at the same time, on each test day.
Unless it is specified otherwise, the quantities are given for raw foods. If for your reintroduction tests you want to cook the food (ex. when testing onions), weigh them raw and then you can cook them.
The low FODMAP diet is an effective approach to reduce digestive symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Since this is a restrictive diet, you need to be well informed before starting it.
The FODMAP acronym stands for:
F = Fermentable;
O = Oligosaccharides;
D = Disaccharides;
M = Monosaccharides;
A = And;
P = Polyols
These are carbohydrates that ferment in the gut
The diet was developed by two Australian researchers, Peter Gibson, Gastroenterologist, and Sue Shepherd, Registered Dietitian, from Monash University in Melbourne. Their first publication was in 2005. Since then, scientific data on the effectiveness of the diet has accumulated, leading to more and more gastroenterologists and dietitians around the world prescribing it successfully.
In March 2015, researchers from the University of Michigan published the results of their analysis of 139 studies on IBS in the Journal of the American Medical Association, concluding that there was enough evidence to confirm that a Low FODMAP diet is effective in diminishing symptoms considerably in 75% of cases:
Chey, W. D., Kurlander, J., & Eswaran, S. (2015). Irritable Bowel Syndrome – A Clinical Review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 313(9), 949.
In people suffering from IBS, certain FODMAPs are only partially digested and absorbed. This leads to distension of the intestine and the production of gas, which creates pain, cramps, and flatulence. To ease these symptoms, it’s recommended to limit the intake of fermentable carbohydrates, i.e. FODMAPs.
It all depends on your health condition! The FODMAP diet is ideal for you if you meet the following criteria:
See a list of the main High-FODMAP foods.
Remember that several other foods do contain medium amounts of FODMAPs and should be limited to avoid problems. This is exactly what our Low FODMAP meal plans do for you.
A gluten-free diet is indicated for people who suffer from Celiac Disease. They have to eliminate gluten from their diet. Gluten is a protein in many grains and it’s why these people have to avoid wheat, rye, barley, etc. On the Low FODMAP diet, wheat, barley, and rye also have to be eliminated, but due to their fructan (a type of carbohydrate) content, not gluten. Furthermore, the Low FODMAP diet also limits the consumption of other types of carbohydrates (lactose, polyols, etc.) that are not limited in the gluten-free diet.
Our low FODMAP meal plans are based on the Mediterranean diet, known to help reduce the risk of several cancers, prevent diabetes, prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia. However, it is not recommended to follow a low FODMAP diet over the long term so as not to deplete the microbiota. In fact foods which contain FODMAPs also contain prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria in our guts.
Following a Low-FODMAP diet is not too easy, since FODMAP rich foods must be completetly avoided while foods with average FODMAP content must be limited. Having low-FODMAP meal plans make following this diet a complete no-brainer.
Following this diet without help is a real challenge, because you have to eliminate all foods that are high-FODMAP and limit those that contain moderate quantities of FODMAP. With our program, not only do you have meal plans and recipes that fully meet the demanding criteria of this diet, but you also have simple tools to make this diet your own: our book, articles on the blog and a dietitian-led support group on FACEBOOK. In other words, you have at your disposal a truly reliable and effective source.
Absolutely not! Our meal plans are made with common ingredients that you can easily find in supermarkets, all-natural or organic grocery stores, or at your local grocers and markets.
Of course! We want you to reduce your symptoms and we’re here to help. As a subscriber to our Low FODMAP program, you’ll have access to our private forum moderated by our team. You can ask your questions and our dietitians will respond. If you need more complete support, we offer the VIP dietitian service which includes, among other things, 3 one-on-one consultations with a dietitian.
Our Low-FODMAP Meal Plans comply fully with the recommendations of the experts in the field, the main ones being the following:
The nutritional data is from the Canadian Nutrient File, and completed by the French food composition table Ciqual (France), the USDA Food Composition Database (USA), and the Fineli base (Finland).
DUX is a Canadian program aimed at rewarding companies, organizations and institutions for their leadership and innovation in improving the health of the population. We won the 2017 Award in the Projects – Non-Food Business (SME) category for our initiative the “FODMAP Diet”! read this article .
When you are sick, special attention should be paid to FODMAPs which are hidden in some medication ingredients. Read the list of ingredients for syrups or lozenges for example, and avoid polyols (sorbitol, isomalt, mannitol, maltitol and xylitol), honey and fructose. Choose syrups and lozenges that contain sucrose, glucose, dextrose, sucralose or other low-FODMAP sweeteners. In addition, you can take Tylenol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. And don’t forget to eat good hot meals which are low in FODMAPs to help you get over your cold as quickly as possible.
Although Lactaid is an option that can help lactose intolerant people, these enzymes may not be as effective as lactose-free foods. It is therefore recommended not to use them during the elimination phase. You can use them after the reintroduction tests if you have observed a lactose intolerance in your body.
IMPORTANT: The information provided on this website does not replace a medical consultation and is not intended for self diagnosis. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking a change to your diet or lifestyle. See Terms & Conditions.