Tips and information to make the most of your meal plan subscription.
With our Vegetarian Meal Plans, you stack the odds in your favour. To take maximum advantage of our meal plans, take the time to read the information below.
All the nutrition content of the website, including the information on this page as well as all meal plans, are checked and approved by our nutrition team, led by Danielle Lamontagne, R.D.
Peanut butter is a good source of protein that sustains one’s appetite in the morning. It can be replaced by cheese, almond or some other nut-based butter or even by hummus. Unfortunately, jams and sweet spreads are not as nutritionally interesting and won’t be as satiating.
Water is by far the best choice. Add a slice of lime or a few drops of lemon juice in it to give a little punch. It is also possible to have wine or fruit juice but remember, each glass represents an extra 100 kcal. Also, in order to benefit from the cardioprotective effects of red wine, women can consume, at most, 1 glass per day and maximum 2 for the men. In the morning, tea or coffee can be added to your menu without exceeding 2 to 3 cups of filtered coffee or quarter-cup servings of expresso per day.
See also:
One of the main challenges of following a vegetarian diet is to fulfill iron needs. Since vegetable-source iron has a lower absorption rate than animal-source iron, it is crucial to maximize its daily intake. Soybeans are naturally rich in iron which is the reason why edamame beans, soy beverage and tofu are central pillars of a well-balanced and deficiency-free vegetarian diet.
You can use the “Swap Meal” button (blue double arrow icon) in your menu, or use the Advanced Recipe Search to find exactly the Lunch Box recipes that you want.
Differences between olive oil and canola oil lie in their composition, heat resistance levels, taste and cost. Even though both of these oils are rich in monounsaturated fats (excellent for cardiovascular health), canola oil contains about 10 times more omega-3 than olive oil. Also, both of these oils can be used in cooking but olive oil loses its aroma when heated. The neutral taste and lower cost of canola oil make it an excellent choice for everyday cooking as well as for baking. But cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil tastes simply divine!
It is true that whole grain brown bread is richer in fiber than white bread. However, as our meal plans are based on the Mediterranean diet, they include plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, so that the daily fiber needs are fully met. Excessive intake of fiber can make bowel movements too fast and prevent adequate absorption of nutrients. In other words, with our meal plans, you are sure to get the right amount of all nutrients – never too little nor too much!
Crispbread is a type of crackerbread from rye, rich in fiber and low in fat, salt and sugar. The most common brands are: Ryvita, Ry-Krip and Wasabröd. You’ll find them in the crackers section at your grocery store.
Yes! Some recipes (ex. soups, stews, etc) are repeated during the week in order to reduce the time spent in the kitchen. This way, you also get to prioritize certain fresh food items, with minimal waste. In other words, these repetitions are based on practical and economic reasons. They offer a good trade-off between variety and effort. And don’t forget: you can always swap meals to get more – or less – variety.
It is OK to break down your burger into separate food items. The nutritional values remain the same and, once they have been consumed, the foods will interact in the same way as if they had been eaten in a same mouthful. Find your preferred technique and enjoy!
The most recent recommendations (references) for vegetarianism consist of some 50 nutritional targets that must be attained day after day, in order to ensure optimal health and a deficiency-free diet, despite the exclusion of meat, fish and seafood.
IMPORTANT: The information provided on this website does not replace a medical consultation and is not intended for self diagnosis. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking a change to your diet or lifestyle. See Terms & Conditions.